
Monday, October 21, 2013

Getting Ready For Baby: Phases 1, 2, and 3

My it's been along time since I've sat down to write a post!  Let's just say that life got a bit crazy over the summer. :)

When I found out in June that we have a little one arriving in late January, the countdown began - and my mind starting going crazy with all of the re-organization/redecorating that needed to be done.

The plan?

1. Split all toys between the "new" playroom in the basement and the kids' rooms.

2. Move everything from our computer/sewing room (the downstairs bedroom) into the back playroom (now workroom/office).

3.  Paint and fix-up downstairs bedroom and move my husband's and my bedroom furniture down.

4.  Paint our old upstairs bedroom and move the girls in there.

5.  Re-decorate the girls' old room for the baby.

Phew!  Got all that?  We decided to move the girls because our old bedroom upstairs is bigger than their current one (and has 2 closets).  And baby boy will get the smaller one all to himself.

The first 2 were relatively easy.  Really, it was just re-distributing stuff.  And, no, I am not going to post pics of the playroom or the workroom/office because they are already disasters.  They both started off generally organized but between the girls playing and my sewing...there is stuff everywhere.  And, honestly, I'm don't feel like organizing it all over again for a few pictures.

On to our new downstairs bedroom.

At first, I was pretty certain that we could complete it in a week.  I think I was delusional.  It's a small room, but there was a lot of stuff that needed to be done - and all after the kids were in bed for the night.  It took over a month.

Well, you know how these things go.

We were just going to paint the walls, but then noticed that the trim looked awful.  Add "paint trim" to the list.

But if we were going to paint the trim, we had to paint the doors, because now those didn't match the trim.  And since the doors were already off their hinges, why not put on new hinges and new doorknobs?

And, wait, if we're going to paint the trim and doors, we really should caulk all the cracks around the molding, windows, and doors.

Hmmm...the ceiling looks pretty old now.  Better paint that.

Ugh - look at the closet.  Let's paint everything in there, too - after we caulk it.

And then...

"Becca, the old paint is cracked, I'm going to scrape it."

An hour later...

"Ummm... now the wall is uneven - I'm going to sand it."

So, as you can see, we didn't just repaint the room.  We really re-did the entire thing.  While I was really frustrated at the slow pace, it did turn out really nice (I think).

What do you think?

It's small and cozy.  And we went from 2 closets to 1.  Amazingly, everything fits.  Well, after bags and bags of stuff were brought to Goodwill. ;)

I made the bedspread and then used the leftover fabric to make the curtains and decorative pillow.  It just looks so nice and clean now...ahhh...

New fixtures for the closet.

Pillow I made for the bed

Now that our bedroom is finished, it's time to start all over again and get to work on the girls' new room upstairs.  Wish us luck!